2.6 Paint, button and menu procedures

** All these procedures must be declared as void far Proc(void).

* Paint procedure - is necessary for Virtual Panels core to repaint the PERM Object on the screen when it is necessary (usually after dragging the Object). You have to supply such a procedure for every PERM Object. The FIXED and POPUP Objects don't need such procedure.

* Button procedure - is the procedure attached to the button. It is called at the every instance of pushing the corresponding button.

* Menu procedure - is similar to button procedure but is called when the corresponding menu item is chosen.

We use the next prefix notation: pp - for paint procedure, bp - for button procedure and mp - for menu procedure.

Example 2.6.1:

 void far ppFourier(void) // Paint procedure for PERM Graph grFourier
  grFourier->Paint();                     // paint Graph object
  grFourier->ShowCurve( NumPoints, XReal);// then output array on it

 void far bpFourier(void)
  ppFourier();     // paint grFourier over other objects on the screen
  grFourier->MkActive();// make grFourier available for dragging or
                                                  // removing
  RealFFT(....)                                   // perform FFT
  grFourier->ShowCurve( NumPoints, XReal, WHITE); // now demonstrate
  grFourier->ShowCurve( NumPoints, XImag, RED);   // Fourier spectrum

As you see paint, button and menu procedures use pointers to classes, because classes usually are declared in main() or other button procedures.